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Voice API Workflow: Overview and Step-by-Step Guide

The Voice API enables efficient audio transcription through a simple and structured workflow. This guide provides an overview of the key steps, followed by detailed instructions for each API endpoint.

Overview of the Workflow
  • 1. Upload Audio File

    Submit an audio file to initiate a transcription job. The process is asynchronous—after you upload the file, the service will pick it up and process it. At any time, you can track the job's status using the provided API.

  • 2. Check Job Status

    Monitor the progress of the transcription using the job ID.

  • 3. Fetch All Results

    Access the transcription results for all jobs.

  • 4. Retrieve All Job IDs

    Get a list of all transcription jobs linked to your account.

Step-by-Step Guide

POST /api/v1/audio/upload

To begin the transcription process, you need to upload an audio file. Upon successful upload, you will receive a job ID that identifies the transcription job.

Query Parameters
  • api_key

    string (required): Your API key for authentication.

Request Body:
  "file": "<binary content of audio file>"
  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "jobId": "<uuid>"
  "message": "Audio file uploaded successfully."
Key Notes
  • Ensure the audio file is in a supported format.
  • Save the returned jobId for subsequent API calls.

Endpoint: GET /api/v1/audio/transcribing/{jobId}

After uploading the audio, check the status of the transcription job using the job ID.

Path Parameters:
  • jobId

    string (required): The unique ID of the transcription job.

Query Parameters
  • api_key

    string (required): Your API key for authentication.

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "jobId": "<uuid>",
    "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
    "transcribingResults": null
  "message": "Transcription job status retrieved successfully."
Key Notes
  • Possible job statuses:
  • IN_PROGRESS: The transcription is ongoing.
  • COMPLETED: The transcription is finished and results are available.
  • ERROR: There was an issue with the transcription.
  • If the status is COMPLETED, the transcribingResults field will contain the transcription text.

Endpoint: GET /api/v1/audio/job

To retrieve a list of all transcription job IDs for your account, use this endpoint.

Query Parameters
  • api_key

    string (required): Your API key for authentication.

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "jobIds": ["<uuid1>", "<uuid2>", "<uuid3>"]
  "message": "List of job IDs retrieved successfully."
Key Notes
  • Useful for tracking all transcription jobs associated with your API key.

Endpoint: GET /api/v1/audio/transcribing

Retrieve the transcription results for all jobs under your account by providing your API key.

Query Parameters
  • api_key

    string (required): Your API key for authentication.

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "jobId": "<uuid>",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "transcribingResults": "<transcription text>"
      "jobId": "<uuid>",
      "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
      "transcribingResults": null
  "message": "Transcription results retrieved successfully."
Key Notes
  • This endpoint aggregates results across all transcription jobs for your account.
  • Filter by job status to retrieve completed transcriptions only.

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